Malaga to Wenatchee Corridor
Snapshot: The Malaga to Wenatchee corridor is characterized by commercial and industrial uses at the north and west end in Wenatchee which transitions to rural residential and agriculture toward Malaga. A planned riverfront park in Malaga and a new bridge which will cross over the railroad tracks at Bridge Street and connect to the Loop Trail in Wenatchee are the two major destinations and logical end points on this corridor.
Previous Work: There have been three related projects at the east and west ends of the corridor:
- Development of a new park in Malaga near Goose Rock Lane is in progress. Trails were the third highest priority for new recreational features among community survey respondents. This future park should be considered the eastern end of this corridor.
- The soon-to-be constructed bike and pedestrian bridge over the railroad at Bridge Street will create a connection point to the Apple Capital Loop Trail at the west end of this study corridor.
- Chelan County completed a countywide multiuse pathways master plan in 2021 that identified pathway alignment alternatives across the county, including an alignment generally following the Malaga Alcoa Highway right-of-way.

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