What we heard
The results are in!
Thank YOU for participating in the Chelan-Douglas Pathways Survey and Public Input Map and providing your valuable input.
We heard from over 1,800 members of the community. To learn more check out the results by clicking on the links below:
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About the Project
The Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council (CDTC) is studying potential pathway routes in several corridors throughout the region to better connect communities with safe walking and biking routes.
- Expand opportunities for active transportation
- Provide cost-efficient mobility options
- Catalyze economic development
- Foster tourism while improving quality of life for residents
- Develop transportation infrastructure that promotes public health
This plan will identify potential pathway alignments in four corridors based on detailed evaluation of route options and community input. The four corridors are:
Project partners include Chelan County, City of Cashmere, City of Chelan, City of Entiat, City of Leavenworth, City of Rock Island, City of Wenatchee, Chelan PUD, Colville Tribes, Eastmont Metro Parks District, LINK Transit, TREAD, and WSDOT.

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The project team is seeking public input throughout the planning and design process. See the project calendar of events below to learn about opportunities to get involved.
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